Why Does My Furnace Trip the Breaker in Buda, TX?
Generally, at your home in Buda, TX, your furnace shouldn’t cause its circuit breaker to trip. Read on to learn about a few reasons why your furnace could trip its circuit breaker.
Shared Circuit
Gas furnaces normally need either a 15-amp or 20-amp breaker. In some cases, powerful gas furnaces for a large home might need two breakers to cover the load.
Electric furnaces require much more power than gas furnaces, drawing between 60 amps and 80 amps. Whether you choose one breaker or multiple breakers, the total load should be between 80 amps and 100 amps.
If you have anything else on the same circuits, then the breaker or breakers could trip when both items are going at the same time. Always have your furnace on its own breaker.
Loose Connection
Wires can come loose either inside the furnace itself or in the electrical panel. This could cause either the flow of current to stop on its own or trip the breaker for safety. An expert should perform the necessary repairs.
A Power Surge
Occasionally, an electrical fault will cause a surge of power that exceeds the amperage of the breaker, making it trip. Rarer still, a lightning strike could cause the same thing to happen.
A Short Circuit
You can wind up with a short circuit if the wires’ insulation frays or melts. The current can arc to nearby metal surfaces.
The loss of insulation on the wires can also result in a ground fault. That’s where the short connects specifically to the ground instead of just any nearby metal. In any case, the breaker will trip.
We’ve delivered exceptional HVAC service and workmanship to the citizens of our town since 2007. When you schedule furnace repair services with us, we’ll give you a 30-day warranty on labor. So, whenever you need furnace repair or maintenance services, call us at Del’s Heating & Air Conditioning for an appointment.
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