3 Reasons You Need an Air Purifier in Round Rock, TX

Spending time inside your home should always be a joyful and relaxing experience. But how can you relax when the air quality inside your Round Rock, TX home makes your allergies kick in? If you’re still hesitant to upgrade your HVAC system, here are three reasons your family would benefit from a whole-home air purifier.

1. Reduce Asthma and Allergy Symptoms

One of the best reasons to invest in a whole-home air purifier is to protect your health. If you or anyone in your household suffers from seasonal allergies or pet allergies, then an air purifier is an ideal upgrade. Air purifiers are effective in reducing symptoms of asthma and other respiratory diseases.

Modern air purifiers take advantage of technological advancements to trap airborne particles as small as 0.3 microns in size. Using high-grade filters and ozone-free technology, these air cleaners can remove over 99% of the dust, bacteria, viruses, allergens and pollutants that pass through your central HVAC system.

2. Remove Gases and Odors

Obnoxious odors from pets, household cleaning products, cigarette smoke and other sources also reduce the indoor air quality (IAQ) in your home. Inspecting your HVAC filters during your annual maintenance tune-ups can help, but many homes require additional measures. Today’s air purifiers can reduce these odors and dramatically improve the air quality inside your home.

Besides the problem of household odors, many homes without air purifiers also accumulate dangerous gases like radon and carbon monoxide. Installing a whole-home air cleaner can reduce the levels of these gases to safer levels, protecting your family from the health problems that they can cause.

3. Improve Comfort and Sleep Quality

When the air in your home is musty, odorous and filled with dust, pollen and other pollutants, these particles irritate your respiratory system and negatively impact the quality of your sleep. Indoor air pollution can keep you tossing and turning all night to the point that you wake up feeling like you still need more rest, even after a full eight hours of sleep. The bottom line is that when your house has cleaner air, your family can breathe easier, sleep better and feel more comfortable at home.

Don’t let indoor air pollution cause health and comfort problems for your family any longer. Contact Del’s Heating & Air Conditioning today to explore indoor air quality solutions for your home.

Image provided by iStock

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