3 Benefits of Ductless Mini-Splits in Round Rock, TX
The use of ductless mini-split systems has increased in residential and commercial properties due to their superior qualities. These systems are popular for home additions where there is no space for the extensive ductwork used by central air conditioners. Here are three other benefits of ductless mini-split systems that make them a worthwhile investment for your Round Rock, TX home.
1. Zoning Capabilities
In homes with multiple members, setting a temperature that suits everyone can be challenging. Also, some rooms may naturally have higher temperatures than others. For instance, sunrooms and kitchens are often warmer than other parts of the house.
A ductless mini-split system gives you the desired temperature in individual rooms or areas. This is because a single system has one outdoor unit with several air handlers. You can divide your home into zones and allocate an indoor unit to each for better temperature control.
2. Energy Efficiency
Central systems lose a significant amount of conditioned air through faulty ductwork. This happens when there are leaks or if ductwork isn’t properly insulated. Mini-split systems avoid these losses by delivering conditioned air directly to the rooms you intend to cool.
Zoning also allows you to avoid cooling rooms that are not in use, preventing unnecessary energy consumption. Additionally, ductless mini splits use variable-speed compressors, which adjust according to your cooling demands. The system does not regularly turn on and off, but can run at a lower capacity, resulting in energy savings.
3. Ease of Installation
Ductless mini-split systems are easier to install than other types of air conditioners. During an installation appointment, HVAC technicians set up the air handlers and outdoor unit. They then make a small hole in the wall, about three inches wide, to pass a conduit that connects the indoor and outdoor unit.
Even though ductless mini-splits are more expensive than central air conditioners, their longevity, energy efficiency and provision of individual comfort make them worth investing in. If you need to replace your AC with a ductless mini split, contact us at Del’s Heating & Air Conditioning today for reliable services.
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